Each Quarter the pastor conducts a bible study lasting 4-6 weeks. Study materials are purchased by St James and participants reimburse the costs. The study consists of a biblically based book or a reference material on one of the books of the bible. Studies are usually held Monday mornings.
Pastor Dan will lead a 12-week study on the book of Isaiah beginning March 4 & 5. Two class options are offered: Monday mornings at 10:30AM or Tuesday evenings at 7PM. Both classes will meet in Room 12. A sign-up is available in the church lobby or online at https://tinyurl.com/Isaiah-WBS. Please specify your preferred class time. Books cost $6 each; we still have spaces & extra books available, so sign up now!
This study of the book of Isaiah in the Wesley Bible Studies series provides a thoughtful and powerful survey of key Scriptures from the book of Isaiah. It combines commentary from contemporary teachers, with highlighted quotes from the writings and life experiences of John Wesley, along with the poetry and hymns of his brother Charles. Each of the thirteen lessons conclude with discussion questions and a prayer.